Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka, Esq. is a general practice Polish attorney / lawyer in Florida and in Poland. Agnieszka has two Law Degrees and more than 20 years of combined experience from Poland and USA. Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka obtained her Juris Doctorate Cum Laude from Stetson University College of Law in Florida and her Masters Degree in Law with Honors from Jagiellonian University in Poland. She also studied International Law in Tilburg, Holland. Polish Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka speaks Polish, English, Spanish and Italian and can assist you with your legal needs in Florida and Poland.
Adwokat Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka jest polskim prawnikiem uprawnionym do praktyki prawa na Florydzie i w Polsce. Agnieszka Piasecka posiada dwa dyplomy prawa i ma łącznie ponad 20 lat doświadczenia prawniczego z Polski i USA. Agnieszka uzyskała Doktorat Prawa z wyróżnieniem w Stetson University College of Law na Florydzie oraz Magistrat Prawa z wyróżnieniem na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim w Polsce. Agnieszka Piasecka studiowała również Prawo Międzynarodowe na Uniwersytecie w Tilburgu, w Holandii. Agnieszka mówi po polsku, angielsku, hiszpańsku oraz po włosku.
First consultation is FREE! To schedule a free consultation please call: / Pierwsza konsultacja jest BEZPŁATNA! Aby umówić się na konsultację zadzwoń pod:
Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka is a Polish speaking lawyer near Osprey, Floryda USA
Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka is a Polish speaking lawyer near Osprey Floryda USA with extensive experience and two law degrees one from Poland and one from Stetson University, College of Law in Florida. Aga Piasecka, Esq. speaks fluent Polish and English and has the knowledge and experience to assist you with your legal needs in Osprey, Floryda USA.

Osprey Floryda USA Attorney Aga Piasecka’s areas of practice include but are not limited to:
For a FREE consultation call Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka / Polish Lawyer Osprey Floryda USA / Polski Prawnik Osprey Floryda USA
Agnieszka Piasecka’s immigration story please visit:

You can also visit Aga Piasecka at:
Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka is a lawyer near Osprey Floryda USA with extensive experience and two law degrees one from Poland and one from Stetson University, College of Law in Florida. Aga Piasecka, Esq. speaks fluent Polish and English and has the knowledge and experience to assist you with your legal needs in Osprey Floryda USA. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka / Polish Lawyer Osprey Floryda USA / Polski Prawnik Osprey Floryda USA